Sources voor Asterisk compileren. Waarvan iemand die wij kennen zei, poeh, nou succes. En jij doet dat
P2p-netwerk ermee gaan opzetten onttrekt zich aan mijn perifere gezichtsvermogen, kan een magistrale zet zijn. Maar peer-to-peer blijft peer-to-peer, net als vroeger op reis moest je toch naar het consulaat als je elkaar kwijtraakte. Hoe ga jij decentraal anoniem aanmelden oplossen?
Vertel dat maar aan deze hijgers:
“Altcoin pump and dump” is the method of market activity where it attempts to boost the price of a specified altcoin.
Buy a certain amount of it as quickly as possible: The price will rise heavily during the pump.
Profits can be made by selling the coin on this price peak. As soon as you are satisfied with the coin’s price, sell your coins for a higher price than you initially invested.
Oké, ideeën “… involves a group publishing a business plan — commonly known as a white paper — and then promoting the sale to speculators through internet forums.”
De code die er is bemoeit zich vooralsnog louter met geld ophalen, UbermenschPrefundToken.sol:
function invest(address to) onlyActive public payable {
// Update investor
funds[to] = funds[to].add(amount);
totalFunds = totalFunds.add(amount);
//mint tokens
mint(to, tokenAmount);
// Pocket the money
// Tell us invest was success
Invested(to, amount, tokenAmount);
Ja, nee, dat is juist waar zij van Supermans zo op hameren in hun presentatie, dat moet anders kunnen. Of in de eigen woorden van de grote leider:
The challenge is to create a distributed database in conjunction with the Blockchain
So, we need a NEW type of database, which cunningly wraps into the Blockchain and will only store the hash functions in the Blockchain. The content itself is governed separately - no one has ever thought of addressing the issue from this angle.
Hoe werkt dat in nieuwe start-ups, je houdt de kaarten eerst maar nauwlettend tegen de borst?
Want zou je de geproduceerde “Übermensch White paper” nog kunnen zien als een redelijk verdienstelijke samenvatting van de huidige stand van zaken rond ‘blockchains’, enig inzicht in hoe men de beloofde doorbraak wil forceren, ho maar.
Afwachten dan waar ze mee komen:
In this paper we reviewed the concept of building the Übermensch platform for anonymous business deals. The platform is a public distributed system of self-motivated servers serving a common purpose.
For the first time, the principles of creating ÜbermenschDB, a public distributed, byzantine fault tolerant, high speed noSql database, supporting the search for data on secondary indices and full-text search, which can be used in conjunction with any Blockchain that supports smart contracts, is described.
Despite the fact that this document showed the fundamental practicability of such project, this topic, of course, needs further research. Additional details will be presented in the yellow paper.
Nog een dienstmededeling? Betreft programmeertaal Rust waar jij niet in gelooft:
Bitcoin technology stack released, including a brand new implementation of the Bitcoin protocol. Written in the safe and fast language of Rust, it boasts a level of cleanness, performance and reliability difficult to find in existing Bitcoin software.
Stelt trouwens op zijn beurt ook weer een ‘technical vision paper’ beschikbaar:
Revolutionary blockchain vision “Polkadot”
Polkadot is a third-generation public permissionless blockchain technology designed to be at once scalable and extensible, solving two of the greatest problems preventing widespread adoption of blockchain technology today. It will be developed as an open-source technology with public contributions welcomed.